Results for 'Eling D. de Bruin'

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  1.  16
    Additional Exergames to Regular Tennis Training Improves Cognitive-Motor Functions of Children but May Temporarily Affect Tennis Technique: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.Luka Šlosar, Eling D. de Bruin, Eduardo Bodnariuc Fontes, Matej Plevnik, Rado Pisot, Bostjan Simunic & Uros Marusic - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study evaluated the effects of an exergame program combined with traditional tennis training on autonomic regulation, tennis technique, gross motor skills, clinical reaction time, and cognitive inhibitory control in children. Sixty-three children were randomized into four groups and compared at baseline, 6-month immediately post intervention and at 1-year follow-up post intervention. At 6-month post intervention the combined exergame and regular training sessions revealed: higher breathing frequency, heart rate and lower skin conductance levels during exergaming; additional benefits in the point (...)
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    A Perspective on Implementation of Technology-Driven Exergames for Adults as Telerehabilitation Services.Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Eling D. de Bruin & Uros Marusic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A major concern of public health authorities is to also encourage adults to be exposed to enriched environments during the pandemic lockdown, as was recently the case worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak. Games for adults that require physical activity, known as exergames, offer opportunities here. In particular, the output of the gaming industry nowadays offers computer games with extended reality which combines real and virtual environments and refers to human-machine interactions generated by computers and wearable technologies. For example, playing the (...)
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    Exploring Different Types of Inhibition During Bilingual Language Production.Maria Borragan, Clara D. Martin, Angela de Bruin & Jon Andoni Duñabeitia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Perro or txakur? Bilingual language choice during production is influenced by personal preferences and external primes.Angela de Bruin & Clara D. Martin - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):104995.
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    Cation self-diffusion in fast neutron-irradiated beryllium oxide.H. J. De Bruin, G. M. Watson, C. M. Blood & D. Roman - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (140):427-430.
  6.  14
    Oxygen self-diffusion in non-stoichiometric uranium dioxide.G. E. Murch, D. H. Bradhurst & H. J. De Bruin - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (6):1141-1150.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. De Fraine, L. Geijsels, A. Fimmers, I. de la Potterie, I. de la Porterie, P. Ploumen, P. Fransen, S. Trooster, A. van Kol, A. Snoeck, P. de Bruin, L. Vander Kerken, P. Grootens, H. Jans, J. Rupert, J. Mulders, M. Dierickx, P. van Doornik, J. De Munter, F. de Raedemaeker, J. Defever, R. Hostie, H. Wannemakers, A. Poncelet, H. V. D. Lee, Th Mulder, J. Kerkhofs & R. D'hondt - 1954 - Bijdragen 15 (4):425-456.
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    (1 other version)An Aristotelian Ontology of the Text.John Bruin - 1999 - Symposium 3 (1):93-117.
    In his recent work on the ontology of texts, lorge J.E. Gracia (1996) attempts to apply various (and evidently Aristotelian) categories of being to that most unusual sort of entity called a “text”. Universal and individual, substance and feature, identity and individuation, etc.- we have some idea as to how these pairs of categories apply to tables, trees, and chairs. But to a text? In my critical review, I examine the author’s attempt to make sense of the “what” of a (...)
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    Um Sartre para nosso tempo: história e atualidade das proposições de um pensador múltiplo para a psicologia clínica.Carolina Freire D’Araújo Dhein & Rodolfo Rodrigues de Souza - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (2):103-114.
    O artigo busca refletir sobre a trajetória do filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre e sobre os elementos encontrados em suas reflexões que podem inspirar um fazer para a psicologia clínica no contemporâneo. Neste esforço, partiremos de um olhar para a biografia de Sartre desde seus primeiros anos até a compreensão da inexorável conexão entre existente e mundo. Olhando para a noção de engajamento defendida por Sartre, apontaremos para algumas questões políticas e sociais as quais ele correspondeu em seu tempo. Em seguida, (...)
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    L'autorégulation chez Hume.Eléonore Le Jallé - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La science de l'homme est selon Hume la science première, ce qui signifie que la nature humaine est l'objet même de la philosophie. Mais comment se caractérise cette nature humaine? Et comment une science dont l'objet - l'homme - est aussi le sujet peut-elle se constituer? C'est une autorégulation qui caractérise chez Hume les principes de la nature humaine, et celle-ci peut être envisagée comme un système autorégulé. C'est aussi une autorégulation qui régit la science de la nature humaine, son (...)
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    Libéral, libéralité, libéralisme: histoire et enjeux philosophiques, culturels et littéraires.Eléonore Le Jallé & Fiona McIntosh-Varjabédian (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    En s'interrogeant sur les enjeux philosophiques, littéraires, culturels et linguistiques des notions de libéralité et de libéralisme, dans leur lien avec l'adjectif "libéral", cet ouvrage collectif suggère l'existence d'une généalogie commune à ces trois notions. Il dessine ainsi les rapports unissant ce qui convient à l'homme libre et par extension à ce qui permet de l'éduquer et d'élargir ses vues (arts libéraux et éducation libérale), la libéralité entendue comme largesse et générosité mais aussi comme vertu d'user avec mesure de l'argent, (...)
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  12.  18
    Estudos Neokantianos, de Mario Ariel González Porta.Lucas A. D. Amaral - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):310-317.
    Talvez “redescobrimento” seja uma caracterização adequada para designar o _status_ do movimento neokantiano atualmente. Se, por um lado, o neokantismo tem recebido uma maior atenção em diversos lugares da Europa, América do norte, Ásia, e em alguns países da América Latina, por outro, na ainda jovem cultura filosófica brasileira, o estudo desse importante e decisivo movimento é algo atípico dentro de nossas instituições de ensino, para dizer o mínimo. De fato, a quantidade de trabalhos acadêmicos, artigos e livros sobre as (...)
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    Neurociência Localizada: revendo diferenças de sexo/gênero em pesquisas sobre o cérebro.Laura D. Guerim - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (2):e36565.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as críticas feitas por neurocientistas às pesquisas que buscam diferenças cognitivas entre homens e mulheres presentes no cérebro, principalmente, utilizando o respaldo da neuroimagem. Desde o início dos anos 2000, a preocupação com a utilização da neurociência para justificar estereótipos de gênero e a falta de critério dos responsáveis para diferenciar as expressões “sexo” e “gênero” têm envolvido diversas neurocientistas no debate mais profundo entre natureza e cultura apresentado por essas pesquisas. Além disso, é (...)
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  14.  12
    De Zénon d'Elée à Poincaré: recueil d'études en hommage à Roshdi Rashed.Rushdī Rāshid, Régis Morelon & Ahmad Hasnawi (eds.) - 2004 - Louvain: Peeters.
    L'oeuvre de Roshdi Rashed se deploie selon deux directions principales: la naissance, dans les Temps Modernes, des mathematiques sociales et de la theorie des probabilites d'une part, et l'histoire des sciences exactes a l'epoque de la Renaissance de l'Islam classique d'autre part. Cette oeuvre de longue haleine n'a cesse d'elargir la connaissance que nous avons de ces dernieres, par l'edition et la traduction de textes nouveaux, la reconstitution des traditions conceptuelles dans lesquelles ces textes s'inscrivent, ainsi que par la mise (...)
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  15.  22
    Zénon d'Élée (Note sur les deux derniers arguments de - contre l'existence du mouvement.J. Lachelier - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18:345-355.
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  16. Acerca de um velho tema: a existência da filosofia portuguesa.António José de Brito - 1990 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 46 (4):409-429.
    No texto começa-se por recordar a controvérsia em torno da existência da filosofia portuguesa que se sustenta consubstanciar-se na questão: "há ou não filosofias especificamente nacionais, a cada nação corresponde uma filosofia própria?". Para solucionar o problema, seria indispensável fixar de modo indiscutível as noções de filosofia e nação. Não se aceitando a intuição das essências, que daria de modo directo e imediato as referidas noções, e entendendo-se que conceitos verdadeiros só podem surgir fundados num sistema, tentou-se, apenas, formular definições (...)
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  17.  8
    Zénon d'Elée: prolégomènes aux doctrines du continu: étude historique et critique des fragments et témoignages.Maurice Caveing - 1982 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Zenon d'Elee est connu par les paradoxes que nous a transmis Aristote, Achille et la Tortue etant le plus celebre. Dans l'histoire de la philosophie, les questions ainsi posees n'ont pas cesse de stimuler la reflexion des plus grands penseurs, et de susciter des reponses tres divergentes, dont l'erudition et l'epistemologie modernes se sont saisies a leur tour. Mais en France il n'existait pas d'ouvrage faisant le point de ces controverses. Celui-ci procede a un examen systematique de tous les textes (...)
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  18.  12
    A solidão dos astros.Roberto D'arte - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 3:26-29.
    Ainda que possa ser visto como clichê sob diversos aspectos, o filme “O Céu da Meia-Noite” (dirigido e protagonizado por George Clooney para a Netflix) traz temas reflexivos na perspectiva existencial. Lançado em dezembro de um ano doloroso para a humanidade, ele teve as suas gravações encerradas pouco antes do início da pandemia, ainda que traga uma atmosfera tão soturna quanto a deste momento histórico.
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    Os livros nas fogueiras dos novos inquisidores.Roberto D'arte - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 4:23-25.
    Desde que foram criados pelos sumérios há mais de 5 mil anos, os livros sempre aterrorizaram os ocupantes do topo de quaisquer formas de poder. Neles estiveram e continuam sendo guardados os sonhos, as ideias, os projetos e as ações da humanidade em todas as vertentes possíveis, sejam eles libertadores e instigantes para as transformações positivas do mundo e do próprio ser humano, sejam eles os caminhos opostos da destruição e da opressão. [...].
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  20. Editorial: Social Cognition: Mindreading and Alternatives.Daniel D. Hutto, Mitchell Herschbach & Victoria Southgate - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (3):375-395.
    Human beings, even very young infants, and members of several other species, exhibit remarkable capacities for attending to and engaging with others. These basic capacities have been the subject of intense research in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, comparative psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind over the last several decades. Appropriately characterizing the exact level and nature of these abilities and what lies at their basis continues to prove a tricky business. The contributions to this special issue investigate whether and to (...)
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  21.  31
    Zenon d'Elee: Prolegomenes aux doctrines du continue: Etude historique et critique des fragments et temoinagesMaurice Caveing.Anthony Preus - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):607-608.
  22. Des architectes pleins d'égards: conversations avec Sylvain Allemand.Caroline Ziajka - 2024 - [Palaiseau]: Serendip'éditions.
    Qu'est-ce qu'un architecte? Qu'est-ce que l'architecture? Des questions auxquelles tout un chacun peut prétendre donner une réponse à partir d'une connaissance théorique ou pratique. Mais en quoi consiste concrètement ce métier d'architecte, au quotidien, en agence, mais aussi sur un chantier, dans ses interactions multiples - avec le maître d'ouvrage, les artisans, les élus...? Eléments de réponse dans ce livre de conversations avec un couple d'architectes, Caroline Ziajka et Lionel Debs, qui témoignent aussi de la manière dont ils s'emploient, petit (...)
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  23.  53
    Aristotle's Theory of Deduction and Paraconsistency.Evandro L. Gomes & Ítala M. L. D.?Ottaviano - 2010 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 14 (1):71-97.
    No Órganon Aristóteles descreve alguns esquemas dedutivos nos quais a presença de inconsistências não acarreta a trivialização da teoria lógica envolvida. Esta tese é corroborada por três diferentes situações teóricas estudadas por ele, as quais são apresentadas neste trabalho. Analizamos o esquema de inferência utilizado por Aristóteles no Protrepticus e o método de demonstração indireta para os silogismos categóricos. Ambos os métodos exemplificam como Aristóteles emprega estratégias de redução ao absurdo logicamente clássicas. Na sequência, discutimos os silogismos válidos a partir (...)
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    Les prétendus sophismes de zénon d'élée.Victor Brochard - 1893 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (3):209 - 215.
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    Saving the armchair by experiment: what works in economics doesn’t work in philosophy.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (8):2483-2508.
    Financial incentives, learning, group consultation, and increased experimental control are among the experimental techniques economists have successfully used to deflect the behavioral challenge posed by research conducted by such scholars as Tversky and Kahneman. These techniques save the economic armchair to the extent that they align laypeople judgments with economic theory by increasing cognitive effort and reflection in experimental subjects. It is natural to hypothesize that a similar strategy might work to address the experimental or restrictionist challenge to armchair philosophy. (...)
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  26.  26
    Emmanuel Levinas and the Human Person: On the Philosophical Conditions of War and Peace.April D. Capili - 2006 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 62 (2/4):697 - 711.
    The article starts with the recognition of the fact that each human being is driven by the tendency to auto-preservation and, thus, to persevere in being, secure the corresponding living space and safeguard the proper place under the sun. Societies are understood as societies of self-preserving individuals wherein each member is after his or her own interests. This drive to realize oneself, however, may happen at the expense of the self-realization of others. Violence includes but is not limited to physically (...)
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  27.  17
    Por que os sonhos não envelhecem?Roberto D'arte - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 5:18-21.
    Em 2022 teremos uma celebração muito especial para a Música Popular Brasileira. O icônico disco “Clube da Esquina”, de Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges, completará 50 anos de lançado. O álbum apresentou ao mundo mais do que o resultado de uma parceria musical de rara beleza; ele foi uma espécie de marco zero de um movimento artístico e existencial nascido na bucólica Belo Horizonte da segunda metade da década de 1960, envolvendo amigos, música, cinema e literatura.
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  28. Note sur les arguments de Zénon d'Élée.Georges Lechalas - 1893 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1:396-400.
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  29. Zijn en absoluutheid.L. De Raeymaeker - 1958 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 20 (2):179-212.
    Dès l'aube de la pensée philosophique en occident, l'Ecole d'Elèe souligne le caractère absolu de l'être. Découverte des plus importante, qui ne cessera d'exercer une profonde influence sur tout le cours de la réflexion philosophique. Platon s'attache à réhabiliter l'intelligibilité du multiple : il y a « des idées » subsistantes; et Aristote dégage l'intelligibilité du multiple matériel : il y a « des catégories » obtenues au moyen de l'abstraction. L'un et l'autre s'efforce d'y découvrir un ordre : rapports (...)
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  30. Epistemic Virtues in Business.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):583-595.
    This paper applies emerging research on epistemic virtues to business ethics. Inspired by recent work on epistemic virtues in philosophy, I develop a view in which epistemic virtues contribute to the acquisition of knowledge that is instrumentally valuable in the realisation of particular ends, business ends in particular. I propose a conception of inquiry according to which epistemic actions involve investigation, belief adoption and justification, and relate this to the traditional ‘justified true belief’ analysis of knowledge. I defend the view (...)
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    Managing the Self: Some Philosophical Issues.Leon de Bruin - 2020 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (4):371-373.
    Strijbos and Slors argue against what they call the “naïve common-sense” view of self-management as taking direct control over one’s mental health conditions. Their argument consists of two steps. First, they claim that self-management is often better understood as a form of facilitation, like a drover steering the herd. The drover is not in the position to directly intervene on the course the herd is taking, but instead manipulates it by exploiting her knowledge of the context-dependency of the herd’s behavior. (...)
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  32.  30
    Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse Than Greed.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In this topical book, Boudewijn de Bruin examines the ethical 'blind spots' that lay at the heart of the global financial crisis. He argues that the most important moral problem in finance is not the 'greed is good' culture, but rather the epistemic shortcomings of bankers, clients, rating agencies and regulators. Drawing on insights from economics, psychology and philosophy, de Bruin develops a novel theory of epistemic virtue and applies it to racist and sexist lending practices, subprime mortgages, (...)
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  33. Game Theory in Philosophy.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):197-208.
    Game theory is the mathematical study of strategy and conflict. It has wide applications in economics, political science, sociology, and, to some extent, in philosophy. Where rational choice theory or decision theory is concerned with individual agents facing games against nature, game theory deals with games in which all players have preference orderings over the possible outcomes of the game. This paper gives an informal introduction to the theory and a survey of applications in diverse branches of philosophy. No criticism (...)
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  34.  51
    Against Nationalism: Climate Change, Human Rights, and International Law.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2022 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 55 (2):173-198.
    Climate change threatens humanity more than anything else. If we talk of nationalism, we ought therefore consider its pros and cons in light of the climate emergency. Anatol Lieven believes that civic nationalism along the lines of Chaim Gans, David Miller, and Yuli Tamir helps combat global warming. He thinks that when nationalists recognize that climate change is just as threatening to the survival of their nation-state as wars, they will make the sacrifices necessary to avert the threat. In this (...)
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  35. Climate Change and Business Ethics.Boudewijn de Bruin - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics.
    This article sketches ways in which business ethics should contribute to addressing the climate emergency. I consider some ways in which normative contributions to the debate on climate change and global warming have been defended, and how international thinking about environmental issues has moved from consequentialist to justice- and rights-based thinking. A recent case that came before the Hague District Court between a Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth, Milieudefensie, and Royal Dutch Shell (Milieudefensie v. Royal Dutch Shell), serves (...)
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    Pledging Integrity: Oaths as Forms of Business Ethics Management.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (1):23-42.
    The global financial crisis has led to a surprising interest in professional oaths in business. Examples are the MBA Oath, the Economist’s Oath and the Dutch Banker’s Oath, which senior executives in the financial services industry in the Netherlands have been obliged to swear since 2010. This paper is among the first to consider oaths from the perspective of business ethics. A framework is presented for analysing oaths in terms of their form, their content and the specific contribution they make (...)
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  37. Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Contents. Introduction. 1. Preliminaries. 2. Normal Form Games. 3. Extensive Games. 4. Applications of Game Theory. 5. The Methodology of Game Theory. Conclusion. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Does game theory—the mathematical theory of strategic interaction—provide genuine explanations of human behaviour? Can game theory be used in economic consultancy or other normative contexts? Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory—the first monograph on the philosophy of game theory—is an attempt to combine insights from epistemic logic and the philosophy of science to (...)
  38. 'Information as a Condition of Justice in Financial Markets: The Regulation of Credit-Rating Agencies.Boudewijn De Bruin - 2016 - In Lisa Herzog (ed.), Just Financial Markets?: Finance in a Just Society. Oxford University Press. pp. 250-270.
    This chapter argues for deregulation of the credit-rating market. Credit-rating agencies are supposed to contribute to the informational needs of investors trading bonds. They provide ratings of debt issued by corporations and governments, as well as of structured debt instruments (e.g. mortgage-backed securities). As many academics, regulators, and commentators have pointed out, the ratings of structured instruments turned out to be highly inaccurate, and, as a result, they have argued for tighter regulation of the industry. This chapter shows, however, that (...)
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    Epistemic Injustice in Finance.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2019 - Topoi 40 (4):755-763.
    This article applies philosophical work on epistemic injustice and cognate concepts to study gender and racial disparity in financial markets. Members of disadvantaged groups often receive inferior financial services. In most jurisdictions, it is illegal to provide discriminatorily disparate treatment to groups defined by gender and skin colour. Racial disparity in financial services is generally considered to be discriminatory. The standard view among most regulators is that gender disparity is not discriminatory, though. Through an analysis of various exemplary cases, I (...)
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    Does Confabulation Pose a Threat to First-Person Authority? Mindshaping, Self-Regulation and the Importance of Self-Know-How.Leon de Bruin & Derek Strijbos - 2020 - Topoi 39 (1):151-161.
    Empirical evidence suggests that people often confabulate when they are asked about their choices or reasons for action. The implications of these studies are the topic of intense debate in philosophy and the cognitive sciences. An important question in this debate is whether the confabulation studies pose a serious threat to the possibility of self-knowledge. In this paper we are not primarily interested in the consequences of confabulation for self-knowledge. Instead, we focus on a different issue: what confabulation implies for (...)
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    Moral Responsibility for Large‐Scale Events: The Difference between Climate Change and Economic Crises.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2018 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 42 (1):191-212.
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    Hume e o debate contempor'neo sobre as razões motivantes.André Chagas Ferreira de Souza - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):899-932.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca colocar a filosofia de David Hume diante de algumas teorias contemporâneas a respeito do tema das razões para agir ou motivantes. Há certa dificuldade em se afirmar que Hume aborda as razões motivantes, um conceito contemporâneo voltado a explicar aquilo que efetivamente impele um agente e referente ao lugar do desejo e da crença. Há dois grupos, intitulados respectivamente como humeanos e não-humeanos, de modo que para o primeiro, supostamente mais alinhado a Hume, o desejo tem (...)
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    Direct social perception, mindreading and Bayesian predictive coding.Leon de Bruin & Derek Strijbos - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:565-570.
  44.  26
    Easier said than defined? Conceptualising justice in food system transitions.Annemarieke de Bruin, Imke J. M. de Boer, Niels R. Faber, Gjalt de Jong, Katrien J. A. M. Termeer & Evelien M. de Olde - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):345-362.
    The transition towards sustainable and just food systems is ongoing, illustrated by an increasing number of initiatives that try to address unsustainable practices and social injustices. Insights are needed into what a just transition entails in order to critically engage with plural and potentially conflicting justice conceptualisations. Researchers play an active role in food system transitions, but it is unclear which conceptualisations and principles of justice they enact when writing about food system initiatives. To fill this gap this paper investigates: (...)
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    Encore a propos de zénon d'élée: I Le mouvement et Les Partisans Des indivisibLes.François Evellin, Georges Lechalas & G. Milhaud - 1893 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (4):382 - 404.
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    Um Breve Trajeto Filosófico Com Os Racionalistas Contempor'neos.Carlos Eduardo Fisch de Brito & Ralph Leal Heck - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 34 (34):24-64.
    O objetivo deste artigo é esboçar um perfil do pensamento racionalista contemporâneo. A tarefa é realizada por meio da leitura de textos selecionados de três autores: J. Haugeland, D. Dennett e R. Brandom. E o trabalho não é feito de uma só vez, mas se desenrola em três etapas. Primeiro, a leitura de Haugeland nos dá uma caricatura do racionalismo: a máquina que joga xadrez. Daí, apoiando-se nesse esboço, a leitura de Dennett amplia os nossos horizontes, abarcando a intencionalidade das (...)
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  47. Situating Emotions: From Embodied Cognition to Mindreading.Leon de Bruin, Derek Strijbos & Marc Slors - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):173-184.
    In this article we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of mindreading versus embodied cognition approaches to emotion understanding. In the first part of the article we argue that mindreading explanations of how we understand the emotions of others (TT, ST or hybrid) face a version of the frame problem, i.e. the problem of how to limit the scope of the information that is relevant to mindreading. Also, we show that embodied cognition explanations are able to by-pass this problem because they (...)
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    Fronteiras sem'nticas: o dialogismo das linguagens rituais pentecostais e umbandistas – uma análise das expressões gestuais.Valdevino de Albuquerque Júnior - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):514-518.
    O espaço ritual constitui-se num locus sagrado de festa. No palco religioso, o sentimento de reconhecer-se cheio do Esp í rito Santo ou incorporado pelas Entidades reescreve, no pr ó prio corpo do sujeito, a autenticidade de sua tradiçã o mitol ó gica. Simultaneamente, a experi ê ncia religiosa reatualiza o poder dessa tradiçã o. E s ã o v á rias as formas em que a narrativa m í tica emerge, vindo à tona e tornando-se tang ível à percep (...)
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    An Eighteenth-Century Call to Be Heeded: On Germaine de Staël, Aesthetic Education, and National Progress.Karen de Bruin - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 49 (1):82-97.
    The diminution of emphasis on the arts and the humanities and the corresponding increased emphasis on business and STEM disciplines has resulted in a normative conception of national progress that excludes aesthetic education. Scholars in the arts and the humanities have responded to this marginalization either by calling for more esotericism or by underscoring the importance of aesthetic education to the future of democracy and humanity. These arguments have failed to capture the public’s attention. In this essay, I argue that (...)
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    Early Social Cognition: Alternatives to Implicit Mindreading.Leon de Bruin, Derek Strijbos & Marc Slors - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (3):499-517.
    According to the BD-model of mindreading, we primarily understand others in terms of beliefs and desires. In this article we review a number of objections against explicit versions of the BD-model, and discuss the prospects of using its implicit counterpart as an explanatory model of early emerging socio-cognitive abilities. Focusing on recent findings on so-called ‘implicit’ false belief understanding, we put forward a number of considerations against the adoption of an implicit BD-model. Finally, we explore a different way to make (...)
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